martes, 12 de enero de 2021

Tuesday 12th January, 2021

GOOD MORNING                                                                

-Activity: describe your favourite Christmas present or your favourite toy.
- Steps: 
1- Copy today’s date in the English notebook.
2- Copy and complete the first image (the central square is to draw it), use the vocabulary from the second image (use a dictionary if you need to search for some meanings).
3- Write the description, use the previous information and write full sentences. Describe the general object and also some parts with more details (if possible). 

- Study the irregular verb list. 


- Check that you have done the Natural S. Unit 3 cover.
- Copy today’s date in the Natural S. notebook.
- Read and look at the photos on pages 32 and 33 of your book.
- Copy and study the stages of life.